Zero Emissions Diesel

With a strong drive towards Hydrogenics and Electric Vehicles (EV), the automotive industry is aggressively investing in clean transport. One of the sectors that has a greater limitation on deploying these technologies is heavy duty engines & haulage.

The power requirements and milage needed provide little space for existing infrastructure to support electric or fuel cell heavy goods vehicles. As such, any improvements to existing Diesel engines give businesses the time to operate in a more green, clean fashion, buying time until other power and fuel technologies become available.

With a consortium effort of Cummins Turbo Technologies, The University of Bath and Aeristech, Holtex has successfully won a £20m project bid with APC to use E-Machine technology and improvements to material surface finish to move towards a zero emissions Diesel solution.

This project aims to complete by 2024 and will shape the future of heavy duty powertrain.

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